The Alexander Technique is an educational method used worldwide for well over 100 years. By teaching how to change faulty postural habits, it enables improved mobility, posture, performance and alertness along with relief of chronic stiffness, tension and stress. Stylized as AmSAT, the American Society for the Alexander Technique is the largest professional association of certified Alexander Technique teachers in the United States.

I was thrilled when AmSAT approached me with the opportunity to refresh their brand and visual identity. We kicked it by formulating clear brand values, choosing a bold new color palette, and designing a brand new logo that communicates aspiration, clarity, and structure. Next, we created a clear and straightforward brand standards manual for future partners to follow, developed social media marketing templates, and designed bespoke merch and collateral.

The goal of this refresh was to raise awareness and interest in the technique among a larger public than its current small but rabid student body within the performing arts and physical therapy circles. Since unveiling their new brand and marketing materials, the organization has enjoyed a surge in new membership.